
We think this type of construction is the only sound investment in home building for
the future.
— Brad S. (Cincinnati, OH)
Need Retirement Home, with Greenhouse, Living space, Shop, Garage. The Geodesic Earthworks Kit sounds like the ticket. Send any info; I will watch your site.
— R.H. Moncton (New Brunswick Canada)
“Your system parallels my own ideas. It‟s an attractive looking system. When you get
round to putting one together, I’d be willing to fly over and get my hands dirty for the experience. I am a Physical Engineer by trade, with quite a bit of practical building
— Steve T. (U.K.)
“I’ve been investigating... high performance construction technology that is both
environmentally responsible and profitable. I had come to the conviction that a radical
solution such as an under-earth building with Passive Annual Heat Storage
technology would be a good direction to investigate. I feel (as you do) a tremendous
potentiality in this housing solution. I’m starting to talk about your solution with some selected people who might have something useful and constructive to say about ...the beauty and the wisdom of such a way of building. I would like to contact some universities and certification agencies that could help to evaluate your solution in order to obtain the legal permits to construct this type of habitat (in Belgium at least).”
— R.F. (Belgium)
“I see a good thing here that you guys came up with and I want you to succeed. Developing a new and innovative way of construction must be a true adventure. Please stay in touch. We look forward to being one of your first customers.”
— Clyde R. (Florida)
I wish you and your company all the best and I see great things for you in the future. I have looked at many geodesic domes online and found yours to be the best conceptfrom start to finish.
— unknown
“It is such a good idea. I am particularity impressed by your designs. I love the idea of using a halved „buckyball‟ as the structure and of course the “green” aspect of it is also great. Again good luck and I hope to be able to live in one of your concept homes soon.”
— B.D. Florida
“Thank you for this new technology. I have had a dream of an underground dome for more than 15 years. When I came across your website, it was like getting a birthday present. I have a design in my mind that will work with your tile technology. Such anawesome concept that is long overdue.”
— Jeff T. Bozeman (MT)